Creating an IoT Joystick
In this chapter, we will create an IoT joystick for remotely controlling a ROS TurtleSim robot. We will build upon our experience from Chapter 7’s IoT button project as well as Chapter 11’s introduction to the TurtleSim virtual robot.
Utilizing the Raspberry Pi Pico WH’s Wi-Fi capabilities, we will demonstrate the practical application of IoT in robotics. The chapter outlines the design and construction of a USB-powered joystick, integrating components such as a PS2 joystick module, an LED, and an arcade button. We will use this IoT joystick to control our A.R.E.S. robot in the coming chapters.
We will use a Raspberry Pi Pico WH for this chapter, although a Raspberry Pi Pico W would work just as well.
We will cover the following topics in this chapter:
- Understanding our IoT joystick application
- Wiring up our circuit
- Developing the code for our IoT joystick
- Creating a custom ROS node for our application
- Constructing...