Value interests
Along with the governance infrastructure, the metrics given in the preceding table will align with the so called "value interests", which are briefly described as follows:
Return on investment (ROI): ROI is the first value interest. It would be realized via the cloud and via the benefits of virtualization, automation, and standardization. Portal capabilities would set ROI so as to set the stage for A2Z Bullion bank to be well positioned in today's bullion market and up-to-date in its technology and agility to market.
Enterprise architecture: The enterprise architecture is the second value interest. Enterprise architecture strategy was going to be revamped to support the new business demands and computing paradigm.
Deliverable value: The deliverable value is the third value interest. It was realized via the adoption of the cloud as a service and deployment model, via the adoption of portal and the WEF for fast value-to-market.
Operations: The operations is the fourth value...