Exploiting Linux networking
Linux networking has many of the same components discussed in the previous chapter, Hacking Windows. Here, we are going to discuss two networking components distinctive to Linux and how attackers might take advantage of them: Samba and Network File Sharing (NFS). Let’s look at each in more detail:
- Linux Samba: Before we can discuss exploiting Samba, we first have to know what it is and what it is used for. The Linux Samba server is an open source implementation of the file-sharing protocols Server Message Block (SMB) and Common Internet File System (CIFS). It comes in two parts, the client and the server, and helps to connect to shared resources on Windows-based systems. In the server implementation, it allows a Linux server to participate in a Windows network, sharing its resources with Windows-based machines. Because it is an open source project and not part of the core Linux system development, it has been known to lag behind on versions...