Exporting for further production
While the last section focused on compressed output, in this section, you'll learn all about high-quality output, for delivering the final product, or just your part of a larger job. You'll learn about ProRes, about audio stems, about the wonders of XML and the workflows it enables, and even how to work with other editors.
In some cases, you'll export high-quality finished files (in some flavor of ProRes) and in others you'll provide your original media files along with an XML file, or some kind of compressed version. It's even possible that you might send an entire Library and everything inside it. The wider world of production uses a variety of different applications for audio and for video, and if you want to work with others, you'll need to be able to send them something they can work with.
High-quality files are a good place to start. We've mentioned it before, but let's take a deep dive into ProRes...