In this chapter, we learned how to perform all the common cryptographic operations we've seen throughout this book in the context of a web browser, with JavaScript code that can be used on the client side. This included calculating digests with SHA-2 (and SHA-1); deriving keys and hashing passphrases with Argon2; encrypting and decrypting data using symmetric ciphers (AES), asymmetric ones (RSA), and hybrid schemes such as ECIES (based on ECDH); and calculating and verifying RSA and ECDSA digital signatures.
This chapter concludes both our exploration of cryptography in the browser and this book. I hope this book helped you learn about using cryptography in a practical way Armed with your newly acquired knowledge, I hope you'll be able to build applications that leverage common cryptographic operations and solutions to deliver better security and privacy to your users.
Thank you for reading, and happy coding!