Theme settings
Under the Settings tab of the Appearance admin, the options to control the default display settings for your entire site are located, across all themes or individually. These settings range from toggling the display of certain page elements, updating the default logo supplied by the theme, to providing a shortcut icon or favicon that is displayed in the address bar of most browsers.
Let's explore these in more detail by clicking on the Settings tab and previewing the interface, as shown in the following image:

Toggling the display of page elements
Having control over certain page elements of a theme can come in handy when we want to hide or show specific items. Most of the items listed pertain to user settings, such as user pictures in posts or comments, user verification status in comments, and the Shortcut icon from displaying.
Simply checking or unchecking an item will toggle that item on or off. Also, keep in mind that toggling the Shortcut icon will disable the ability to...