Exercise 4: Adding APIs
Another way to connect APIs is to execute Azure CLI commands. We prepare for your next script with examples of the commands. Before running the commands, you need to update your account name and web application name with the URL to the Swagger documentation. The account name is your APIM instance name (the short name). The web app name is the name of the DemoCatalog app you published before. The commands in this exercise will also connect several well-known services, and if it generates an error, it means the service is down and you can proceed with the next one. You can also find the script at the following link: https://packt.link/J5avs
- Begin by updating the
variables with the APIM instance name and web app backend name you obtained from previous exercises. Also, replace the URL with the Swagger URL of your web app backend’s API.Account='apim-XXXXXX'
url='https: //apim-backend...