- Which of the following is not a virtualization technology that's used in computer networks?
- Virtual private network
- Virtual reality
- Virtual local area network
- Virtual server
- Which of the following is not a type of server virtualization?
- Para-virtualization
- Full virtualization
- Quasi-virtualization
- Operating system level virtualization
- The software that facilitates the creation and system services for a virtual machine is which of the following?
- Kernel
- Device driver
- Emulator
- Hypervisor
- A bare-metal virtual machine manager is which of the following?
- Type I
- Type II
- Hybrid
- Which type of virtualization runs on a host operating system?
- Type I
- Type II
- Hybrid
- The term used for physical hardware, an operating system on a hosted system, or both is which of the following?
- Virtual
- Guest
- Host
- Ghost
- Which of the following is not a method...