Customizing validation error messages
As we saw previously with the e-mail error message, they aren't always pretty. In this recipe we'll look at how to customize the messages and add your own versions.
Getting ready
We'll work with the same e-mail error message we saw in the previous recipe.
How to do it...
1. The simplest fix is to add a validation message to the e-mail text input. There's an entry for this in the element Properties box in the Wizard Edit.
There is only one validation message entry for the element — the same message will be used for each validation check — in this case, it is Email address is required.
2. As usual, click Apply to save the element properties and save the Form.
There is no equivalent place to enter messages on the Validation tab in the Form Editor, just a note to remind you that you can set a message by adding a title attribute to the input in the Form HTML.
How it works...
All that ChronoForms has done in the Wizard is to add the title attribute into the...