Adding extra security with "server-side" validation of submitted information
The validation we have looked at so far works by using JavaScript running in the user's browser. This is commonly called "client-side" validation. This makes it flexible and responsive as long as the browser has JavaScript installed and running and the user doesn't deliberately try to bypass or "mess" with it.
Today most users have JavaScript enabled (and indeed Joomla! loses some functionality if it isn't running). But for important inputs, we need to run "server-side" validation as well. This validation will only run after the form is submitted and the inputs have been sent back to the site server.
It is important to know that "client-side" validation using JavaScript will not protect your site against malicious attacks. To be secure, you must add server-side validation to any critical fields, and you must "filter" the data before it is saved into the database. ChronoForms does no validation or filtering by...