Chapter 5. Customizing your Website
Packed with the knowledge from the previous chapters, we’re finally ready to build a complete and functional community website from scratch with a personalized look and feel.
Let’s first establish what functionality we want for the new website and how it should look. To make things easier and reuse the layout of an already existing website, we’ll create my personal community website. We aim to have it look like my current website,
Building this website with the CSK will make use of all the colorful but extremely powerful features of the CSK. The website we’re building needs to have the following features:
About Me
My Books
We make use of CSK’s security features to allow only authenticated users to post messages on the forum or to add comments in the My Books section. This also opens the possibility of sending newsletters to people that ask to receive them.
In case you were wondering, CSK doesn’t have support for multiple...