Introduction to processes and practices
The three major standards that are used (or at least talked about) across the industry are ASPICE, functional safety (ISO26262), and the newest of the three, Road Vehicles – Cybersecurity Engineering (ISO/SAE21434). Previous chapters covered cybersecurity; this chapter will cover the first two and then cover several other practices that are common in automotive software engineering.
Thomas Jefferson is noted as saying, “If you want something you have never had, you must be willing to do something you have never done.” This is a great quote, and it applies to following good processes and practices. If you want to have high-quality software, you may have to follow processes that you have never followed before. The processes you follow may be dictated to you. If not, you and your team may decide as a team, project, or department. Table 12.1 shows a quick way to help make choices about how many processes to follow.