Executing camera moves
The biggest mistake I've seen pilots make is not moving through a shot. The problem is usually because RC pilots with no camera or editing experience throw a camera on a multicopter and go for it. In the visual effects industry, what we're going for is called a handle. Basically, this is starting a shot before what you think will be the in-point of a clip and ending it well after the estimated out-point. This gives an editor some space to play with the timing. For instance, if your goal is to move sideways past a person, you should start with the person well off the screen and end with them well off the other side of the screen. Don't ever say "got it!" to yourself and veer off. Move through the shot. With this in mind, let's talk about the camera moves you'll need and how to execute them.
Crane shots
One of the best parts about multicopter flying is that you can replace extremely expensive equipment such as cranes (known as jib arms) with a relatively low-cost multicopter...