The pentest pregame
Before we can get started, we need to ensure that our environment is prepared for pentesting. This means we need to ensure that our AWS network is set up and that any tools that we use are updated. Aside from our own environment for this book, it's always important to remember to check that your setup is configured correctly before a pentest. If your setup is not prepared correctly, you're likely to run into issues that will inhibit you from conducting a successful pentest; or, at the very least, you will have some setbacks during the pentest that will take time away from pentesting.
For this section, let's make sure that we are on the correct Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) and that our targets are configured. This ensures that we have direct access to machines on their private network, and we shouldn't face any issues with attempting to access the internal side of the AWS environment. We also will need to ensure that Metasploit is up to date...