Creating a TIN surface
A Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN) is mesh of non-overlapping triangles that represent a continuous surface. This surface is built by triangulating a set of points that have z-values using the Delaunay triangulation method. This method generates triangles that are as near as possible to an equilateral triangle. The set of points represent the primary source of height values (mass points) and incorporates point features or vertices of the polyline and polygon features.
For theoretical aspects about TIN and Delaunay triangulation, please refer to David O'Sullivan and David Unwin, Geographic Information Analysis, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2003, page 28 and 215 to 220.
Getting ready
In this recipe, you will create a TIN surface using 2D feature classes. You will also update the TIN surface with new, upcoming features, such as building footprints and a fish pond.
How to do it...
Follow these steps to create a TIN surface using the ArcScene environment:
Start ArcScene...