Classification Using K-Nearest Neighbors
Now that we are comfortable with creating multiclass classifiers using logistic regression and are getting reasonable performance with these models, we will turn our attention to another type of classifier: the K-nearest neighbors (K-NN) clustering method of classification. This is a handy method, as it can be used in both supervised classification problems as well as in unsupervised problems.
Figure 4.32: Visual representation of K-NN
The solid circle approximately in the center is the test point requiring classification, while the inner circle shows the classification process where K=3 and the outer circle where K=5.
K-NN is one of the simplest "learning" algorithms available for data classification. The use of learning in quotation marks is explicit, as K-NN doesn't really learn from the data and encode these learnings in parameters or weights like other methods, such as logistic regression. K-NN uses instance-based or lazy learning in that it simply...