91.6 Adding the Dynamic Feature Activity
From the Project tool window illustrated in Figure 91-5 above, it is clear that the dynamic feature module contains little more than a manifest file at this point. The next step is to add an activity to the module so that the feature actually does something when launched from within the base module. Within the Project tool window, right-click on the package name located under my_dynamic_feature -> java and select the New -> Activity -> Empty Activity menu option. Name the activity MyFeatureActivity and enable the Generate Layout File option but leave the Launcher Activity option disabled before clicking on the Finish button.
Figure 91-6
Once the activity has been added to the module, edit the AndroidManifest.xml file and modify it to add an intent filter that will allow the activity to be launched by the base module (where <com.yourcompany> is replaced by the package name you chose in order to make your app unique on...