86.8 Associating an App Link with a Web Site
As outlined in the previous chapter, an app link may be associated with a web site by creating a Digital Asset Links file and installing it on the web site. Although the steps to generate this file will be covered in this chapter, it will only be possible to test these instructions using your own app (with a unique application ID) and if you have access to an https based web server onto which the assets file can be installed.
To generate the Digital Asset Links file, display the App Links Assistant and click on the Open Digital Asset Links File Generator button. This will display the panel shown in Figure 86-11:
Figure 86-11
Enter the URL of the site onto which the assets file is to be uploaded and verify that the application ID matches the package name. Choose either a keystore file containing the SHA signing key for your project, or use the menu to select either the release or debug signing configuration as used by Android...