86.4 Adding the URL Mapping
Now that the app has been loaded into Android Studio and tested, the project is ready for the addition of app link support. The objective is for the LandmarkActivity screen to launch and display information in response to an app link click. This is achieved by mapping a URL to LandmarkActivity. For this example, the format of the URL will be as follows:
http://<website domain>/landmarks/<landmarkId>
When all of the steps have been completed, the following URL should, for example, cause the app to display information for the Tower of London:
To add a URL mapping to the project, begin by opening the App Links Assistant using the Tools -> App Links Assistant menu option. Once open, the assistant should appear as shown in Figure 86-3:
Figure 86-3
Click on the Open URL Mapping Editor button to begin mapping a URL to an activity. Within the mapping screen, click on the ‘...