67.4 Creating the Second Activity
For the purposes of this example, the app will contain a second activity which will be launched by the user from within the notification. Add this new activity to the project by right-clicking on the com.ebookfrenzy.notifydemo package name located in app -> java and select the New -> Activity -> Empty Activity menu option to display the New Android Activity dialog.
Enter ResultActivity into the Activity Name field and name the layout file activity_result. Since this activity will not be started when the application is launched (it will instead be launched via an intent from within the notification), it is important to make sure that the Launcher Activity option is disabled before clicking on the Finish button.
Open the layout for the second activity (app -> res -> layout -> activity_result.xml) and drag and drop a TextView widget so that it is positioned in the center of the layout. Edit the text of the TextView so that it reads...