52.4 Creating the First Fragment
Each of the tabs on the TabLayout will display a different fragment when selected. Create the first of these fragments by right-clicking on the app -> java -> com.ebookfrenzy.tablayoutdemo entry in the Project tool window and selecting the New -> Fragment -> Fragment (Blank) option. In the resulting dialog, enter Tab1Fragment into the Fragment Name: field and fragment_tab1 into the Fragment Layout Name: field. Enable the Create layout XML? option, Include fragment factory methods? and Include interface callbacks? options. Click on the Finish button to create the new fragment:
Figure 52-3
Load the newly created fragment_tab1.xml file (located under app -> res -> layout) into the Layout Editor tool, right-click on the FrameLayout entry in the Component Tree panel and select the Convert FrameLayout to ConstraintLayout menu option. In the resulting dialog, verify that all conversion options are selected before clicking on OK...