35.17 Detecting Pinch Gestures
Before moving on from touch handling in general and gesture recognition in particular, the last topic of this chapter is that of handling pinch gestures. While it is possible to create and detect a wide range of gestures using the steps outlined in the previous sections of this chapter it is, in fact, not possible to detect a pinching gesture (where two fingers are used in a stretching and pinching motion, typically to zoom in and out of a view or image) using the techniques discussed so far.
The simplest method for detecting pinch gestures is to use the Android ScaleGestureDetector class. In general terms, detecting pinch gestures involves the following three steps:
1. Declaration of a new class which implements the SimpleOnScaleGestureListener interface including the required onScale(), onScaleBegin() and onScaleEnd() callback methods.
2. Creation of an instance of the ScaleGestureDetector class, passing through an instance of the class created...