29.4 Constraint Sets
While property settings are internal to view objects and dictate how a view appears and behaves, constraint sets are used to control how a view appears relative to its parent view and other sibling views. Every ConstraintLayout instance has associated with it a set of constraints that define how its child views are positioned and constrained.
The key to working with constraint sets in Kotlin code is the ConstraintSet class. This class contains a range of methods that allow tasks such as creating, configuring and applying constraints to a ConstraintLayout instance. In addition, the current constraints for a ConstraintLayout instance may be copied into a ConstraintSet object and used to apply the same constraints to other layouts (with or without modifications).
A ConstraintSet instance is created just like any other Kotlin object:
val set = ConstraintSet()
Once a constraint set has been created, methods can be called on the instance to perform a wide...