22.2 Views and View Groups
Every item in a user interface is a subclass of the Android View class (to be precise android.view.View). The Android SDK provides a set of pre-built views that can be used to construct a user interface. Typical examples include standard items such as the Button, CheckBox, ProgressBar and TextView classes. Such views are also referred to as widgets or components. For requirements that are not met by the widgets supplied with the SDK, new views may be created either by subclassing and extending an existing class, or creating an entirely new component by building directly on top of the View class.
A view can also be comprised of multiple other views (otherwise known as a composite view). Such views are subclassed from the Android ViewGroup class (android.view.ViewGroup) which is itself a subclass of View. An example of such a view is the RadioGroup, which is intended to contain multiple RadioButton objects such that only one can be in the “on”...