20.5 Running the Application
For optimal results, the application should be run on a physical Android device or emulator. With the device configured and connected to the development computer, click on the run button represented by a green triangle located in the Android Studio toolbar as shown in Figure 20-5 below, select the Run -> Run… menu option or use the Shift+F10 keyboard shortcut:
Figure 20-5
Select the physical Android device from the Choose Device dialog if it appears (assuming that you have not already configured it to be the default target). After Android Studio has built the application and installed it on the device it should start up and be running in the foreground.
A review of the Logcat panel should indicate which methods have so far been triggered (taking care to ensure that the Lifecycle filter created in the preceding section is selected to filter out log events that are not currently of interest to us):
Figure 20-6