Chapter 18. Design Patterns, Fragments, and the Real World
We have come a long way since the start of the book when we were just setting up Java and Android Studio. Back then, we went through everything step by step. But as we proceeded, we have tried to show you not only how to add x to y or feature a to app b, but we've also tried to enable you to use what you have learned in your own ways so that you can bring your own ideas to life.
This chapter is more about your future apps and is different than anything that we've covered in this book so far. We will look at a number of aspects of Java and Android that you can use as a framework or template to make even more exciting and complex apps at the same time as keeping the code manageable. Furthermore, in this chapter, I will suggest the areas of further study that you can take a look at, which are out of the scope of this book.
You will learn about the following topics in this chapter:
- Patterns and the model-view-controller...