Summary and further reading
We’ve linked to a lot of additional resources throughout this chapter. The KIE project blog has some very useful posts and videos about using test scenarios that are well worth spending time on. And if you want to explore DMN in more detail, an excellent next step is reading DMN Method and Style by Bruce Silver.
But we’re not finished yet on these topics in this book. Chapter 10 (where we cover installing Docker and Business Central) gives us another way to run our scenario testing editor. This is just as well, as the Machine Learning we cover in Chapter 11 needs testing, even more than the rules-based AI that we’ve covered to date. Finally, in Chapter 12, we introduce the DRL format, a more advanced rule-writing format that works well alongside the graphical DMN notation that we learned more about in this chapter.
This chapter aimed to give you a more advanced understanding of both decision models and the FEEL expression language...