The Edge menu system
Most computer programs have a standard menu system that includes choices such as File, Edit, and View, along with a variety of application-specific choices. Edge is no different in this regard.
We will have a look at the options available to us from the Edge application menu and provide a brief overview of the function of each option.
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The File menu option provides a number of options for working with Edge files themselves.
New: Creates a new, blank Edge project.
Open: Opens a previously saved Edge project.
Open Recent: Provides a list of recently opened Edge projects that a user can select from. Selecting one of these projects will load it into Edge, similar to the Open command.
Close: This command will close the current Edge project, prompting the user to save the document first, through an application alert window.
Close All: Closes all Edge projects that are currently open. Similar to the Close command, a dialog box requesting the user to save each project...