Chapter #33. Emoji are the Most Recognized Icon Set on Earth
If your goal is to deliver interfaces with simple, usable icons that feel immediately familiar and intuitive, then use emoji.
Emoji have been used in Japan since the 1990s but Apple's iOS brought them to the Western world almost by accident — had to support for a deal with Japanese carrier SoftBankOver tim, Western users activatd the international keyboard and use emoji. This culminated in Oxford Dictionaries naming "" as "word of the year" in 2015.
Put simply, the vast majority of people who use computer systems, smartphones, and tablets will be familiar with emoji.
They have a (relatively) standardized look across multiple platforms and there's a large range to choose from.
The "MAKE" book by Pieter Levels uses emoji well on its landing page
Simple, commonly used controls like media playbac, have a complete icon set that the whole world understand, supported out of the box on every major platform:
Consider using emoji as part of your...