Chapter #77. Don't Nag Your Users into Rating Your App
Your users probably come to your product for a wide range of reasons. Perhaps it makes their life easier or passes some time while they are on the bus or allows them to do something cool that they could never have done before.
Your users didn't come to your product to see this:
Nobody cares
This is the "rate this app" nag window that appears at the worst possible time.
As app stores became the huge industry that they are today, app developers and software publishers quickly learned that ratings are an essential part of the mix of signals that make their app rank higher in search results. Discoverability has historically been a problem on app stores and publishers will do anything they can to "game" the rankings and appear more prominently.
Your poor user is stuck in the middle, being constantly asked to rate apps. Another level of annoyance is a dark pattern of giving users a"do you like this app?" prompt, which then only shows the rate dialog...