Most machine learning algorithms require the calculation of derivatives and gradients. If we do it manually, it is time-taking as well as error-prone. Automatic differentiation or autodiff is a set of techniques to accurately compute the derivatives of numeric functions expressed as computer programs. Autodiff techniques can run large-scale machine learning models with high-performance and better usability.
Tangent uses the Source code transformation (SCT) in Python to perform automatic differentiation. What it basically does is, take the Python source code as input, and then produce new Python functions as its output. The new python function calculates the gradient of the input. This improves readability of the automatic derivative code similar to the rest of the program.
In contrast, TensorFlow and Theano, the two most popular machine learning frameworks do not perform autodiff on the Python Code. They instead use Python as a metaprogramming language to define a data flow graph on which SCT is performed. This at times is confusing to the user, considering it involves a separate programming paradigm.
Source: https://github.com/google/tangent/blob/master/docs/toolspace.png
Tangent has a one-function API:
import tangent df = tangent.grad(f) |
For printing out derivatives:
import tangent df = tangent.grad(f, verbose=1) |
Because it uses SCT, it generates a new python function. This new function follows standard semantics and its source code can be inspected directly. This makes it easy to understand by users, easy to debug, and has no runtime overhead.
Another highlighting feature is the fact that it is easily compatible with TensorFlow and NumPy. It is high performing and is built on Python, which has a large and growing community. For processing arrays of numbers, TensorFlow Eager functions are also supported in Tangent.
This library also auto-generates derivatives of codes that contain if statements and loops. It also provides easy methods to generate custom gradients. It improves usability by using abstractions for easily inserting logic into the generated gradient code.
Tangent provides forward-mode auto differentiation. This is a better alternative than the backpropagation, which fails for cases where the number of outputs exceeds the number of inputs. In contrast, forward-mode auto diff runs in proportion to the input variables.
According to the Github repository, “Tangent is useful to researchers and students who not only want to write their models in Python but also read and debug automatically-generated derivative code without sacrificing speed and flexibility.”
Currently Tangent does not support classes and closures. Although the developers do plan on incorporating classes. This will enable class definitions of neural networks and parameterized functions.
Tangent is still in the experimental stage. In the future, the developers plan to extend it to other numeric libraries and add support for more aspects of the Python language. These include closures, classes, more NumPy and TensorFlow functions etc. They also plan to add more advanced autodiff and compiler functionalities.
To summarize, here’s a bullet list of key features of Tangent:
You can learn more about the project on their official GitHub.