Chapter 4. Style and Function
In this chapter, we will focus on making your blog accessible, functional, and beautiful. Today, more than ever, users are accessing websites from billions of different devices ranging from browsers, smart phones, dumb phones, netbooks, and even televisions. In order to keep up with this rapidly changing environment and to keep readers engaged, your site has to adapt to the users as opposed to the user having to adapt to your blog. With the following plugins installed, your blog will become user-focused and stand out from the crowd of 10 million other blogs.
In this chapter, we will cover:
Making your blog mobile
Sending notifications to your mobile phone
Letting users pick their theme
Adding design details to your blog
Inserting dynamic content into posts and pages
About Me Widget
By Sam Devol and John BouAntoun ( &
Why it's awesome: Great to talk shamelessly about yourself
Why it was picked: Simple setup

License: GNU General...