Even though we used Express.js exclusively throughout this book, there are many other options available when creating web applications using Node.js. We examined a few of those options in this chapter, including Meteor, Sails, Hapi, Koa, and Flatiron. Each framework features its own strengths and weaknesses and its own unique approach to the standard functionality that a web application requires.
That's all folks. I hope all the different facets of building a web app using Node.js and MongoDB brought the readers to a progressive way of learning and developing an awesome idea. Well, this is just the start. I would recommend you follow the developer communities of all the technologies or libraries that you are going to use in your own app.
The beauty of web development with Node.js is that there's no shortage of opinions on how to accomplish a single task. MVC frameworks are no exception, and you can see from this chapter there are a lot of really robust and feature-packed...