21.8 Summary
We briefly discussed that Site Caching Services (SCS) allows you to easily configure and publish documents and their attributes (such as title, authors, keywords, etc.) from Docbase to the website host and database tables.
We then had a look at some of the limitations of using SCS and discussed the various types of publishing operations: Full refresh, Incremental refresh/publish, Force refresh, and Single object publish.
We then looked at detailed steps to create a Site Publishing Configuration in Documentum Administrator for defining source and target host parameters for publishing using SCS.
After creating a Site Publishing Configuration, we ran an End-to-End test to verify whether it worked correctly.
At times publishing operations hang due to certain publishing errors or due to network/hardware failures as well. We saw various methods to unlock publishing operations under such scenarios.
Finally, we saw a simple mechanism to view the status of SCS Source publishing operations...