Contribute back to the community
Throughout this book, you have heard how amazing the Vue.js community is and seen first-hand the great work that the core team and the package maintainers do. The Vue.js framework is well documented and well maintained, the development experience is well defined, and the same applies to core-maintained packages such as vue-router and Pinia, but also external ones such as VeeValidate and many more within the ecosystem.
This level of consistency does not come for free, and there is a lot of work that goes on behind the scenes to ensure that the community feels accepted and supported. This work is at times done by developers who, due to the nature of open source, do not earn a wage for their contribution.
After reading this book, you have become an integrated part of the Vue.js community, and you should try your best to contribute back to the community and help maintain it. Doing so will not only support the ecosystem and future developers, but it...