Our carnival midway is progressing nicely and with a teleporting function in place, the scene is becoming a fulfilling VR experience. In this next step, we will build the functions that make it possible to pick up and swing the matter for the Wacky Moles game and throw softballs in the Milk Bottle Toss game. If you have experience with the OVRGrabber and OVRGrabble scripts, feel free to implement the function and move on to the next section.
Follow along if this is your first time using these scripts:
- Drill down to the TrackingSpace of the items in the OVRPlayerController prefab, as shown in Figure 7.18.
- Right-click on the LeftHandAnchor and choose 3D Object | Sphere. Rename the sphere LeftGrabber and set its scale to (0.2, 0.2, 0.2).
- Complete this for the RightHandAnchor as well, naming the object RightGrabber. Figure 7.18 shows the LeftGrabber and RightGrabber...