The Color panels
The first three Studio panels we will discuss are what I call the color panels because of their related functionality. These panels are intertwined with each other so much so that they really should be covered as a group. They are the Color, Swatches, and Stroke panels:
Figure 5.2 – The Color, Swatches, and Stroke panels
Fills and strokes
Vector objects in Affinity Designer consist of either fills or strokes. Think of the fill as the inside of a shape and the stroke as an outline applied to the outside of a shape. A stroke can also just be a line with no fill, referred to as a vector curve or path.
The Color and Swatches panels relate to Color properties for both fills and strokes. The Stroke panel relates to the many options and properties of a stroke. Some of the options in all three of these panels will change depending on the type of object selected or which options on the panel are selected. We will take a closer look at...