Installing and configuring Kibana
Now that we've deployed Elasticsearch, we need to build Kibana. A deployment of Kibana is pretty simple, and connecting it to Elasticsearch using basic authentication isn't terribly difficult either.
Installing Kibana
As we've already installed the Elastic repository, we can simply use that to install Kibana using yum or DNF and enable it to start on boot:
$ sudo dnf install kibana
$ sudo systemctl enable kibana
Now that we've installed and configured Kibana to start on boot, we can continue to connect Kibana to Elasticsearch.
Connecting Kibana to Elasticsearch
Kibana (and Beats for that matter) uses a Java KeyStore to manage and secure credentials. We're going to add elasticsearch.username and elasticsearch.password to the KeyStore.
This is the username and password used by Kibana to authenticate to Elasticsearch. We set these when we configured all of the credentials during the Elasticsearch setup. elasticsearch...