Developing the future state – “to-be”
Previously, we took the “as-is” process flow and identified some gaps and a few areas of improvement. We can add those sets to the process flow to create a “to-be” future state. When developing a “to-be” process flow, you and your stakeholder should be very clear on what future state you want to develop. Is this for phase 1, the project, or the entire project roadmap? If the roadmap is too long, you need to evaluate it and see if it makes sense to do so in digestible chunks. For example, you could create a future flow for phases 1 and 2. After these two phases have been implemented, based on users’ feedback, you can start the next version of the process flow. This is especially true when you’re implementing completely new business processes on a new software platform.
Remember to scope and think of usability and user experience. Better user experience translates into...