Using chorus effects
In Chapter 5, Sound Design and Audio Envelopes, we discussed phase cancellation and interference. This is where multiple waveforms interact with each other and cause the sound to become louder or quieter. In-phase audio makes the sound louder while being out of phase causes the sound to become quieter. These are the two extreme phase possibilities, but there is a range between them. Plugins that play with the sound phase include chorus plugins, flangers, and phasers. We will discuss each of these over the next few pages.
Chorus plugins play with the signal phase. A chorus plugin creates duplicates of the audio signal, using the same phase position, amplitude, and frequency. The copied signal is delayed to create a difference in phase. With this delayed sound, we can adjust a bunch of properties such as the timing or pitch. There is a control included called the Low-Frequency Oscillator (LFO), which controls the delay timing.
Using Fruity Chorus