Solving challenges with cloud-native patterns
Picture this: you're an hour into creating your very own cloud-native application and you're face to face with your first major hurdle. It could be anything – a client request that you're not sure how to implement, misbehaving code, or any problem in any one of the dozens of spheres of app deployment: scaling, security, resilience, monitoring, and so on.
Now you can either stop development and focus on coming up with a solution for your problem or you can completely avoid this situation by taking a step back and plan your development process around cloud-native patterns.
You're almost certainly going to face challenges in any form of app development but that's fine because a solution for almost all of your problems already exists. But the goal isn't to use them to solve roadblocks but to completely avoid roadblocks in the first place. And the first step to do that is identifying the types of...