At first Alexandra Follenius, who was the lector at O’Reilly for the German book C++ Standardbibliothek. You may have guessed that the German book is the ancestor of this book. For my book C++ Standardbibliothek Karsten Ahnert, Guntram Berti, Dmitry Ganyushin, Sven Johannsen, Torsten Robitzki, Bart Vandewoestyne, and Felix Winter were very valuable proofreaders. A lot of thanks to all of them.
For translating this book to English, I started a request in my English blog: I received a much higher response than I expected. Special thanks to all of you, including my son Marius, who was the first proofreader.
Here are the names in alphabetic order: Mahesh Attarde, Rick Audet, Pete Barrow, Michael Ben-David, Dave Burns, Alvaro Fernandez, George Haake, Clare Macrae, Arne Mertz, Ian Reeve, Jason Turner, Bart Vandewoestyne, Ivan Vergiliev, and Andrzej Warzynski.