There are moments of truth that define the CIO and CISO. This is indeed where they earn the big bucks and justify the value that we place on these roles. These moments are teachable points that can accelerate your own growth.
In each moment of truth, this is when the skills, knowledge, experience, and behavior can be stretched into uncomfortable positions. You will grow from each moment of truth, and it will become part of your experience.
The scenarios listed are just some of the potential examples that you may come across. There are some warnings that being totally honest will always be the best approach. Unfortunately, there are some who may confuse loyalty and sense of duty.
You must aspire to be an absolute role model, and that is not always easy.
Finally, I explored how the CIO and CISO can at times operate in an uncoordinated fashion, and their efforts may lack synergy. The CIO and CISO are natural allies to progress their agenda, but there are times when...