Principles of DDD
The idea of DDD was first popularized by Eric Evans. In his book, he describes the basic pillars that form DDD, according to his vision. While the book certainly has a lot of truth to it, the entire army of ideas was probably rarely—if ever—realized in real-world projects. Let’s try to distill the most important ideas for our use in micro frontends.
When we refer to DDD in the context of micro frontends, we will not include parts such as value objects or the need for a ubiquitous language. Instead, we almost exclusively take DDD as a blueprint to help us with the following two things:
- Defining micro frontends with clear boundaries
- Coming up with a strategy to establish these boundaries
While DDD uses the word modules, which was back then an alias for packages, we will refer to this unit as a micro frontend. The other thing that DDD introduces is a so-called bounded context. Finally, DDD defines a context map to make sense...