Automating image generation
Chapter 7 covered tools for manually generating screenshots of application frontends. I teased that this chapter would cover more automated options to make one of the more tedious processes for documentarians less tedious and more automated.
I wasn’t completely honest as there’s not actually any “off-the-shelf” tool to do this. Rather, there are options you can try. Someone I know did start creating one that wrapped many of the ideas I cover in this section into something more user-friendly, but he never completed it, and I have tried to open source it but haven’t finished the task yet.
In the meantime, like many of the ideas in this chapter, it’s a case of taking existing tools aimed more at developers and making them work in the context of documentation. This is why Chapter 7 suggested following the docs-as-code methodology. As developers, you can apply many of the tools and processes already familiar to...