Before we start writing our own app, we need to do some cleanups. We need to configure AppBundle
to use the YAML configuration. While this is possible to switch the configuration format manually, we will remove the bundle (it doesn't contain much code yet), and we will generate a new bundle to demonstrate new bundle creation.
Recreating AppBundle
To recreate AppBundle
, remove it first as follows:
$ rm -rf src/AppBundle
Remove it from app/AppKernel.php
by removing the following line:
new AppBundle\AppBundle(),
Remove it's routing (app/config/routing.yml
), which is as follows:
app: resource: @AppBundle/Controller/ type: annotation
Now we will need to generate it again. Issue the following command:
$ php app/console generate:bundle --namespace=AppBundle
Now provide the following answers to the generator:
Bundle name [AppBundle]: [Enter] Target directory [.../todoapp/src]: [Enter] Configuration format (yml, xml, php, or annotation): yml Do you want to generate the whole...