Shared responsibility model
The security of our systems is of utmost importance. Yet there are countless stories of newsworthy data breaches. None of us want our systems to be in the headlines for this reason, but doing security right is hard. It is a complex, multidimensional, and multidisciplinary problem.
In our efforts to reduce lead times and increase our rate of innovation, market pressures may tempt us to cut corners that will come back to bite us. Fortunately, serverless and the cloud security shared responsibility model help us reduce lead times while also increasing security.
You may be thinking, how can we possibly do less, but achieve more? But we can achieve more by letting the cloud provider do the non-differentiating aspects of security. Then, we can re-focus our efforts on the security dimensions that far too often get the short end of the stick, such as redacting all the Personal Identifiable Information (PII) data.
The shared responsibility model essentially...