Creating input parameters
Input parameters are used to process a calculation based on the input given by the user at the report execution time. This recipe shows you how to create input parameters.
Getting ready
We create input parameters in an analytic view or a calculation view. Hence to create an input parameter, the analytic/calculation view should be readily available.
How to do it…
In this recipe, we will see how to create input parameters in an analytic view:
In the Semantics section of the analytic view, select Create Input Parameter, as shown in the following screenshot:
Now input different parameters such as Name, Parameter Type, and Reference Column, as shown in the following screenshot:
We have selected the input parameter as Mandatory. Hence, while the report is executed on top of this view, a value has to be given mandatorily.
How it works…
When an input parameter is created and a report is executed on this model, data will be fetched based on the value we give to the input parameter...