A few references for further reading
Let's now go through a few references that we can resort to, if we need to dig deeper into the aforementioned concepts.
Ethan Marcotte
Ethan is the author of Responsive Web Design, and a pioneer in this field. In an earlier chapter, I did mention his book, and I can't emphasize enough that you have to go and give it a read.
Paul Irish
Paul Irish is an American frontend engineer and developer advocate for Google Chrome. He is also recognized as an expert in web technologies such as HTML5 and CSS3.
I'd say that pretty much sums it up. He has a site aptly named http://www.paulirish.com, so it is pretty easy to find his work.
Brad Frost
Another favorite developer of mine is Brad Frost. His website, http://www.bradfrost.com, is filled with wonderful advice and articles that are well worth a read. His topics of discussion include web design, writing, speaking, workshops, and consulting, just to name a few. His section on responsive design is filled...