Practicing and exploring
Test your knowledge and understanding by answering some questions, getting some hands-on practice, and exploring this chapter’s topics with deeper research.
Exercise 1.1 – Online material
If you have any issues with the code or content of this book, or general feedback or suggestions for me for future editions, then please read the following short article:
If you are new to web development on the client side using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, then you can start with an online section found at the following link:
One of the best sites for learning client-side web development is W3Schools, found at
A summary of what’s new with ASP.NET Core 9 can be found at the following link:
If you need to decide between ASP.NET Core web UIs, check this link:
You can learn about ASP.NET Core best practices at
Exercise 1.2 – Practice exercises
The following practice exercises help you to explore the topics in this chapter more deeply.
Troubleshooting web development
It is common to have temporary issues with web development because there are so many moving parts. Sometimes, variations of the classic “turn it off and on again” can fix these!
- Delete the project’s
folders. - Restart the web server to clear its caches.
- Reboot the computer.
Exercise 1.3 – Test your knowledge
Answer the following questions:
- What was the name of Microsoft’s first dynamic server-side-executed web page technology and why is it still useful to know this history today?
- What are the names of two Microsoft web servers?
- What are some differences between a microservice and a nanoservice?
- What is Blazor?
- What was the first version of ASP.NET Core that could not be hosted on .NET Framework?
- What is a user agent?
- What impact does the HTTP request-response communication model have on web developers?
- Name and describe four components of a URL.
- What capabilities does Developer Tools give you?
- What are the three main client-side web development technologies and what do they do?
Know your webbreviations
What do the following web abbreviations stand for and what do they do?
- Wasm
Exercise 1.4 – Explore topics
Use the links on the following page to learn more details about the topics covered in this chapter: